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Brooklyn Nurses Association’s Scholarship Program

In New York State, nurses are truly in high demand and there are many job opportunities.  Attending college for an ambitious and hard-working student can certainly payoff.  According to government records, registered nursing is projected to be the second most popular profession across the nation, but bear in mind that placement is often extremely competitive. Institutions of higher learning also don’t come cheap and every bit of help you can get will go a long way to helping you achieve your goals.  

Being fully aware of this, the Brooklyn Nurses Association (‘BNA’), has founded and funded its own Academic Scholarship Fund for deserving students throughout the New York area. 

BNA is currently accepting applications for a $1,000 scholarship to be awarded to a nursing student pursuing his/her RN degree within the educational system in New York.     

To apply, students must be enrolled in an accredited nursing program at the time of applying as well as when the award monies are distributed.  The application deadline is extended to December 30, 2020 due to Pandemic. 


Applications must include: (i) a proof of current enrollment as a nursing student in an accredited nursing program within New York; and (ii) an essay submission.  There are three (3) essay questions.  Each question must be answered concisely in a minimum of 200 words.  Submissions will be judged on originality, eloquence, grammatical correctness and compliance to the guidelines described herein. Plagiarism is an immediate disqualifier.  Only the first 200 applications will be considered.  Essay submissions will be accepted from September 1, 2020 through December 1, 2020.  The winner will be announced on line on December 28, 2020 and he/she will be awarded $1,000 towards his/her school tuition/books.

Essay Format:

·         1 inch margins on 8.5 x 11 standard typing paper

·         Typed - no hand-written submissions

·         Font: Times Roman

·         Point: 12

·         Double-spaced text

·         Total submission shall be between 500 – 750 words

·         All submissions (applications and essays) must be submitted via email


Application Form:

Name:  _______________________________________________________________________.

Email: _______________________________________________________________________.

Contact #: ____________________________________________________________________.

University/College:  ____________________________________________________________.

Expected Date of Graduation:  ___________________________________________________.


Essay Questions:

1.       What inspired you to become a nurse?  

2.       After being in nursing school, has your career outlook changed? If so, then why?

3.       Explain/describe how you plan to make a difference in your community after becoming

          a nurse.


Review of Disqualifiers:

1.       Inability to follow guidelines of application submission;

2.       Plagiarism;

3.       Any missing documentation (i.e. proof of enrollment);

4.       Less than full-time enrolled status; or

5.       Withdrawal from nursing program prior to award date


Please submit application via email to:  

The Brooklyn Nurses Association                                                 Attention:  The BNA Review Board

Download the application (link below) to your computer, fill out form, save and add as an attachment to your email application; send to the Brooklyn Nurses Association gmail address (listed above).


